[Archived]New Start
HOHOHO! Welcome, my friend!
This blog is migrated from an old Wordpress blog. The format may be affected when converted
This article is composed on Dec 9, 2021, aimed to introduce the establishment of the old WordPress blog (pitrick.tk), which is already outdated.
The article has been archived because it is outdated, it will not be shown in the home page.
“The beginning is always today.”
-Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
1 rebuiltCnt += 1
I have already forgotten how many times I’ve rebuilt my blog. Four? Five? I guess. I don’t know. However, I got to tell you about my tough journey since you visit here. My very first blog is hosted by Tencent Cloud. But due to the limitation of policy, I can’s bound it to my domain name so I have to give it up. I have tried a business blog website builder and Github Pages, but they have their own flaws. The business blog website builder have limited degrees of freedom and can’t satisfy my need of build a website. If I want to increase the degrees of freedom it will exceed my budget. Though Github Pages can satisfy through customize needs, the visit speed is limited and unsatisfactory. It only supports static blog writing method (like Gridea). The good point is that it is totally free. I used Freenom + Cloudflare to bound my website to my domain name and encrypt it with https with no cost.
2 My Current Plan
After my repeated consideration, I chose a compromised plan. I rented a server located in North America (provided by Virmach). Its configuration is 1G RAM + 25GB SSD, 1 Core CPU, 1.5TB Bandwidth with speed 1Gbps. It satisfies my need for a public IP address and a fast visit speed. The biggest advantage is that it doesn’t need a record. The domain name mapping and https encryption is also conducted by the free plan of Freenom + Cloudflare. I have rented the server from Virmach for 3 months. I plan to continue hosting my blog here until I have my own server (probably a long time later). Everyone is welcome to visit my blog!